How to gain access to the Internal Storage of an Android device - In 10 easy steps


Well for starters, this is my first blog post ever and I am really excited about it.

In this blog, I will primarily solve problems/state about new technologies in a layman’s tongue so that beginners can get benefitted the most from it.

Without much ado, lets state the solution.

After using Google umpteen times, I was unable to find a proper solution to this problem. For Android developers this can be easily solved. Here are the steps invloved :

  1. Connect your Android device to your laptop/desktop via the usb port.

  2. Fire up Android Studio (which must be installed if you are a developer).

  3. On the RIGHT hand panel you will see a Device Explorer tab. Click on it.


  4. Select your device from a drop down from the panel that appears.

  5. Awesome! You can now gain access to the INTERNAL STORAGE of your Android device!. By access I mean read/write/delete access.


  6. Navigate into the folder where you want to store/ from where you want to fetch files. Typically the STORAGE folder contains your SD card and APP data.

  7. Upon finding your file/folder you can RIGHT CLICK on it to OPEN, SAVE AS(alternative to copy/paste) or DELETE the file.


  8. To UPLOAD(alternative to paste) a file/folder into the Internal storage, again RIGHT CLICK on the specific folder and choose UPLOAD option.


  9. A window will now open where you can navigate to the appropriate file/folder that you want to UPLOAD and click on OK.


  10. That’s it! You are done.

Written on June 13, 2018